Internet Privacy: Concern of Data Breaches and lack of control over Personal Data


In less than a decade, the Internet has grown explosively which has drawn attention to billions of users and increased the number of online activities to an unprecedented rate. As a consequence, this led the whole world to a new digital age, where the majority of people nowadays are reliant onthe Internet and technology for their needs. Therefore, the technologies have been advanceing more than ever, more powerful technologies came out, online activities offered by indistries and bussiness have become popular. However, going along with the advancement of the technologies, many believed that cyber-security is fortified to stop or prevent cyber-attacks. Nevertheless, the number of cyber-attacks within the past 10 years shows no sign of decreasing but increasing instead (Balan et al.2017). As consequences, data breaches happened which caused severe impact to organizations and personal information of users were stole.