The beginning of an increase in Cybersecurity practice
According to Ponemon Institute, popular organizations such as Google, Snapchat, Facebook, Microsoft, Target, and so on are usually have a high expectation to protect their customers’ private data such as credit card details, personal details have more loss from a data breach (Pierson 2009). Through cyber-space, hackers can utilize flaws and vulnerabilities and therefore perform attacks to several important industries and services such as banking, hospitals, educations, or even military (Balan et al.2017).Over the past decade, some cyber incidents caused massive data breach and money. For example, the typical case of data breach occurred to Target, one of the biggest U.S retail chains. For example, the typical enormous data breach occurred with Target (one of the biggest U.S retail chains) during November and December 2013 (Hardy, M 2014). Just right before the Thanksgiving event of 2013, malicious software was believed to installed on the payment system of Targets. When shoppers were shopping for the Christmas season, the malicious software was designed to steal their personal information such as credit card number, name, address, phone numbers, email, and so on. The hacker was then captured all the data and stored it on the anonymous sever. As a consequence, Target confirmed that approximately 40 million credit and the debit card had been stolen. And this data breach cost Target more than $61 million (Hardy, M 2014; Manworren et al. 2016). If the breaches were found out earlier, the costs and damage would not be this severely. As a result, this tragedy marked a significant event in the history of cyber incidents and also the beginning of an increase in cybersecurity practices and the awareness of both business and individual Manworren et al. 2016). And again, this proved nothing is safe on the Internet

Cases study and the lessons behind
Facebook will be used as a case study in this scenario, as Facebook is believed not having many ways to constrict third parties such as an advertiser, other developers of games, etc. from approach to the personal information for their purpose. Social media such as Facebook has turned into a place where the barrier between public and private is showing faded (Waldman, 2016). Facebook has billions of users around the world, if any data breach happens again, the cost will be unimaginable to both the organization and all the users. This proposes a highly potential threat and fear for the communities. Therefore, for such reason, Facebook is becoming less trusted than before. However, according to Scholars statistics, the number of sharing information on Facebook and privacy-seeking actions tended to be increasing. Meaning that the users on Facebook are sharing as much personal information as they are wanting to seek more privacy to secure their data (Waldman, 2016). It seems very contradictory as if Facebook is concerned with a lack of privacy, then all the users should not be sharing that much their personal information. Accounting for this behavior, studies have proved that most users share their information based on some factors such as if other users have shared their information, the popularity of the websites, social motivation, and so on. This demonstrates that the majority of users are not aware of the amount of the information that they sharing. In additional, some software companies are responsible to provide services or products to help to protect users from the potential of data breach. However, free services such as Facebook, data is their resources to exist (Balan et al.2017).
Without a doubt, Facebook is extremely popular with the whole world, across different ages and it connects the population. However, when it comes to the aspect of the social network, it is recommended that users should be aware of the potential of data breaches, or their personal information could be accessed by third parties without the consent of the owners (Calbalhin, 2018). Social media users also are recommended to limit the volume of their shared personal information. Moreover, to list a few principles that Internet users can follow to protect their data. Firstly, thoroughly read through privacy policies until the end to see if it is suitable for the users. Moreover, attempting to create a strong and unique password is also very important, however, try to avoid using day of birth or real name as the passwords as these are predictable. In addition to passphrases, multi-factor authentication is also a good way to secure the account, it increases the protection to your personal information . Therefore, your personal information is secured. Furthermore, avoid sharing too much personal information such as phone number, address, etc. and if there is any suspicious about emails, links, or friend request, actions such as delete and report should be applied